Fun with non-traditional versions of roulette

Fun with non-traditional versions of roulette

2019-07-23 16:17:56 -

Elegant and also relaxed. These properties characterize the highly popular casino game of roulette... a game with a thousand ways of playing it. It doesn't matter whether you’re planning an evening in a luxurious casino, a comfortable weekend with friends, or simply want to enjoy a relaxing evening at home – roulette can fit your needs.

If you think that there’s just one plain, old way to play roulette and that the game has no surprises left in store, you couldn’t be more wrong. In general, there are several versions of roulette, some of which are better suited for beginners while others rather target advanced players. Let's have a look at the best known variants, which you can then play as well.

Three classical versions of roulette

French roulette is considered the “mother” of all roulette versions, since all other types draw their rules from it. It dates back to 18th century France, where it immediately became one of the most popular casino games.

European roulette is one of the best known and most played versions not only here, but all over Europe. It is based on French roulette and has almost the same game rules. Just like the French version, European roulette only has a single zero, making it more statistically favorable for players compared to the American roulette (which has two zeros).

American roulette looks similar to the other versions at first glance, but one crucial difference lies in the number of fields. While both the French and European versions have 37 fields, wheels in American roulette have 38. That’s because the game also features a double zero. This increase in the number of possible outcomes has a negative impact on your chances to leave with a win. Indeed, the casino edge in this version is greater by 5.26%.

Non-traditional online games with roulette

As we already mentioned at the beginning, here we’ll be looking at the non-traditional games that feature roulette – one might call them mutations.


Microgaming's Spingo is a unique roulette-themed game which combines two highly popular games – roulette and bingo. The principle of the game is based on drawing balls that appear in the roulette wheel. Your goal is to guess which number will be drawn and into what color it will land. So you can bet on a color, but also on even/odd numbers, high/low numbers and so forth.

You’re unlikely to find Spingo in brick-and-mortar casinos. We suppose that combining roulette and bingo in this way is difficult in real life, and so the game is only available in online casinos. In fact, we’ve never seen this game in domestic casinos.

Multi Wheel Roulette

Already at first glance it should be clear that this is not the classical roulette as you know it. Microgaming's Multi Wheel Roulette features 8 roulette wheels which spin simultaneously. This means that your game is 8 times faster and, of course, you have 8 times as many possibilities to win in a single round. It’s not mandatory to use all 8 wheels – the player can choose how many he/she wants to play on. Each wheel follows the standard rules of European roulette.

Honestly we have no idea how one could implement Multi Wheel Roulette in a brick-and-mortar casino, but you’ll have ample opportunities to try the game online.

Where can you play roulette?

Roulette is offered in all good brick-and-mortar as well as online casinos. However, the former are limited by their number of tables as well as the versions they offer. In most cases, you’ll only find the classical variants – European or French roulette. Sometimes these also offer American roulette, but non-traditional versions are only available online.

How to enjoy non-traditional versions of roulette?

Psychological well-being

The best way to enjoy any activity is to do it when you’re feeling psychologically well, and gambling is no exception to this rule. You shouldn’t play casino games if you’re feeling unwell or tense. Psychological imbalance can lead to serious consequences... perhaps more serious than you can imagine.

You shouldn’t play if:

  • you’re depressed or very angry
  • you have an uncontrollable compulsive need to play
  • you’re nervous and unfocused
  • you’re tired or under the influence of alcohol

Playing roulette will be fun if:

  • you seek entertainment and relaxation
  • you want to lighten up your day by playing casino games
  • playing makes you happy and relaxed

Learn the rules of the individual games

Playing casino games properly requires knowledge of their rules. Even simple games require you to understand their principles and steps in order to secure a win. The rules of roulette are very simple, and even beginners can grasp them quickly.

However, you need to keep in mind that various types of roulette differ from each other. And this also holds for the rules of the individual games. If you decided to try one of the non-traditional versions of the game, make sure you understand the rules before the game begins.

Experiment for free

Not sure which roulette game to choose, or are you simply afraid to make bets in games you don’t know well? No problem. You can try out roulette-themed games right here, free of charge. You’ll find that we offer all versions played domestically, allowing you to try out the games and find out how to win.

We wish you a lot of entertainment and many great wins!

Try a favourite games for free
French roulette Roulette NetEnt Play
Multi wheel roulette Roulette Microgaming Play
Premium European Roulette Roulette Playtech Play

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